Our kindergarten class is open to any boy or girl who is 5 years old, inquisitive, and wants to know more. Our school day lessons consist of:
- God's grace, as Bible stories are incorporated into lesson plans each week
- Language/Literacy (following the 'ABbCe Darien Language Arts Curriculum')
- Science (following the 'Seeing Science Everywhere Curriculum')
- Math/Numbers (following 'Math Trailblazers Curriculum')
- World/Communities (following 'Social Awareness Studies Curriculum'.)
Students should be 5-years old by August 31. Consideration will be made for children who celebrate a 5th birthday by December 31 and demonstrate exceptional academic skills.
We welcome children of all races, different ethnic origins, and religious affiliations to participate in our programs and activities.
** Please contact us, if special consideration to these guidelines would be requested.
Kindergarten Full Day Program
5 days - Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten Half Day Program
5 days - Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.