“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”
Dear Parents,
We also know it is always helpful to have a support team while raising God's perfect treasures. This corner is just for you. We will be filling it with as many resources and communications we can to help with the journey.
We recommend the following websites and resources for family time activities and helpful parenting tips.
Fun puzzles and coloring pages:
Creative craft ideas: www.dltk-bible.com/craft-index.htm
Helpful tips on how to successfully introduce new foods: Encouraging Preschoolers to Try New Foods
General nutrition information: childcare guidelines and the Delacare bulletin.
Not sure what to cook after a long day at work and school? Well, you are in luck. Members of the St. Paul's Lutheran School family have provided several favorite recipes. Download them here and then let the family decide which to try! Looking for a yummy autumnal dessert that will make folks ask for seconds? -try this great crustless pumpkin pie.
We have so much. It is important to start early teaching children to known of their blessings and how they can help others. Learn more about how the ELCA has ways to support youth ministry.
Ever wonder how to incoprate prayer into your child's daily life and not just at dinner or bedtime? Many other parents have asked the same question and The Lutheran provided some great suggestions - even how coloring can be used for PRAISE!
The School Board and Staff want to hear from you, what else may we share that will help you? Please send us your thoughts and we will do our best to help.